We strive to create individualized treatment plans for each of our patients as each person has a unique history and unique needs.
Services offered include:

Regardless of where you are in your pregnancy or your journey to conceive, our team here at Central Oahu Medical Group is here to provide the support and care you need each step of the way.
From preconception counseling and prenatal care to pregnancy management and preparation for childbirth, we offer expert advice and medical care to our patients. In fact, we are proud to be the champions of vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC) in Wahiawa, HI !

Urinary Incontinence
Many women struggle with urinary incontinence, and it can be an embarrassing and inconvenient issue to live with.
However, there are many ways to manage and treat urinary incontinence, and at Central Oahu Medical Group we can help navigate your condition with urodynamic testing, medical treatments, and in some cases, surgery to best address your needs.
Whether you are dealing with stress incontinence or urge incontinence, we can help develop a personalized treatment plan to help you find the relief you deserve.

Struggling with infertility can be a frustrating, heartbreaking experience for many couples. Nearly 10%-15% of couples are affected by infertility.
Here at Central Oahu Medical Group we have compassion for those families, and we are proud to provide evaluations and treatments for common causes of infertility. Whether you are suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or another cause for infertility, we are here to help find the right solution for you.

Birth Control
For women who are sexually active but do not wish to become pregnant, there are several birth control options, or contraceptives, available that are safe and effective. We will work with you to find a form of birth control that is right for you and your lifestyle.
As mentioned above there are various kinds of birth control:
- Barrier
These methods of birth control include male and female condoms as well as diaphragms, or cups, that work to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. - Hormonal
Hormonal birth controls may come in the form of pills, patches, shots, or implants. These methods alter your hormone production to either prevent your body from releasing eggs or to thicken cervical mucus so that fertilization does not occur. - Procedural
These birth control methods involve undergoing minor procedures to prevent pregnancy. An IUD, or intrauterine contraception device, is a device placed within the uterus and works to decrease ovulation, thicken cervical mucus, or block sperm from entering the uterus.
Another form of procedural birth control is tubal ligation. This form is permanent as the Fallopian tubes are cut, clamped, or burned off. This prevents eggs from traveling to the uterus or sperm from reaching the eggs.
- Barrier
Abstinence, or refraining from sexual intercourse, is the only means of birth control that is proven to prevent pregnancy 100%. However, many of the birth control options listed above have excellent rates with less than 1% of women becoming pregnant when using birth control correctly.
Risks and Benefits
Every contraceptive has its own risk and benefits. It is important that you make this decision together with your doctor so that you are aware of all your options and choose the one that is right for you.

Postpartum Care
At Central Oahu Medical Group, we care for you all throughout your journey of becoming a parent, from before conception to after childbirth. It is our belief that your medical care should not end after you come home with your baby, as women have unique needs after pregnancy and giving birth.
Our goal is to help you navigate the early challenges of motherhood, ensure that your body is adjusting well after birth, aid with breastfeeding support, and provide counseling for your mental and physical postpartum needs.
Becoming a mother changes you, and whether it is your first child or third, your body is bound to experience a variety of physical changes.
Depending on whether you had any complications during childbirth, you may need medical care to help your body effectively heal and readjust to not being pregnant anymore. Many mothers tend to ignore or simply manage the basics of their own health needs right after giving birth as their focus is on giving care to their new infant. We strive to help ensure that all our patients, mother and child, receive the medical support and care they need after coming home from the hospital.
Postpartum Mental Health
Postpartum mental health is important to a new mother’s wellbeing. The dramatic change in hormone levels can be traumatic for someone navigating those first few months of motherhood, and make it feel at times an isolating and emotional experience.
Our skilled team of professionals will work with you to aid in not only the physical side of your postpartum journey, but also the mental aspects of motherhood to ensure that you are taken care of and in the best state physically, mentally, and emotionally to enjoy this new stage of life.
Birth Control
Another important aspect of postpartum health is birth control. We always want to make sure our patients have the information and support they need to make informed decisions about their plans for contraception. Most options we will be able to prescribe or provide in-clinic, and we encourage all of our patients to make a decision that will work best for their lifestyle, beliefs, and personal preference.
For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, contact us today at (808) 622-2212.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is used to treat both men and women experiencing imbalances or drops in their naturally-occurring hormones. Hormones are responsible for most of your essential bodily functions, so when they are disrupted in any way, cascade effects across all your systems can ensue.
Symptoms that are common with menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, memory loss, weight gain, sleep issues, and low libido can be dramatically improved with BHRT. For many other conditions, BHRT can improve vitality, energy, mental clarity, mood, weight loss, and even muscle strength!
BHRT comes in several different forms, and at Central Oahu Medical Group, we carefully take into consideration your symptoms, medical conditions, and history before making a recommendation for a specific treatment.

Natural Thyroid Management
The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck below the cartilage known as Adam’s apple. As part of the endocrine system, the thyroid produces two main hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These two hormones influence every single cell in your body. From how your body metabolizes fats and carbohydrates, to temperature regulation and heart rate, to the production of protein – thyroid hormones are center stage.
Two primary problems can occur with your thyroid – overproduction of thyroid hormones called hyperthyroidism, including Graves’ disease; and, underproduction of thyroid hormones called hypothyroidism, including Hashimoto’s disease. In most cases, thyroid problems can be well-managed when properly diagnosed and treated.

High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can be a dangerous condition as those who have it typically do not display symptoms. While those with high blood pressure may not experience any pain or discomfort, their condition could still be life-threatening.
Here at Central Oahu Medical Group, we are proud to provide services to best identify and address this issue in our patients. We can help you make the necessary lifestyle changes and prescribe medication to aid in the management of your condition and prevent stroke, heart attack, or other health complications.

High Cholesterol
Whether you have high cholesterol due to heredity or poor lifestyle habits, having routine cholesterol checks is important. Not only does this help to establish a healthy lifestyle, but also to help prevent other health complications such as a stroke or heart attack.
Here at Central Oahu Medical Group, we are here to help you maintain your cardiovascular health through routine examinations and blood testing. We will work with you to help establish healthy lifestyle and eating habits so that you can have a healthy heart and a healthy life.

Whether you have high cholesterol due to heredity or poor lifestyle habits, having routine cholesterol checks is important. Not only does this help to establish a healthy lifestyle, but also to help prevent other health complications such as a stroke or heart attack.
Here at Central Oahu Medical Group, we are here to help you maintain your cardiovascular health through routine examinations and blood testing. We will work with you to help establish healthy lifestyle and eating habits so that you can have a healthy heart and a healthy life.

Preventative Care
Here at Central Oahu Medical Group we believe in the importance of preventative care and having routine screenings to maintain your overall good health. Early detection can be the key to treating women’s cancers and increasing the chances of a full recovery. Our practice offers various cancer screening options so that you can ensure your optimal health.
Breast Cancer Screenings
Clinical breast exams are conducted during each exam to search for any changes in your breasts or unusual lumps. We will ask about your family history and if any members have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Annual mammograms begin at the recommended age of 40.
It is important that you conduct self-breast exams at home so that you can notice any changes in your breast between visits.
Pap smears are important for finding any changes in your cervical cells. These tests begin at the age of 21. The HPV test can also be conducted at this time since the HPV virus can lead to cervical cancer. Even if you have been vaccinated against HPV, it is still important that you follow the screening recommendations for your age group.
Colorectal Cancer Screenings
The screening for colon cancer typically begins at the age of 45, unless otherwise recommended by your doctor. This is accomplished by analyzing a stool sample or by examining the colon and rectum (colonoscopy).
Endometrial Cancer Screenings
During menopause, women should report any unexpected vaginal changes such as bleeding or spotting. There are many causes of postmenopausal bleeding that can be benign such as uterine polyps or fibroids. However, uterine cancer, or endometrial cancer, can also cause abnormal changes during menopause. If you notice any changes, please report them to your doctor so that a biopsy can be conducted to determine whether there is a concern for cancer.

Pelvic Pain
Though pelvic pain can be an issue in both men and women, the causes can differ slightly. While some pelvic pain can be the result of an infection or an abnormality in the bones or organs, pelvic pain can also be caused by issues in the reproductive system for women.
When reproductive organs are contributing to pelvic pain, women might experience one or a combination of the following symptoms:
- Cramps or pain associated with menstruation
- Discomfort while urinating
- Pain during intercourse
- Vaginal discharge, spotting, or bleeding
- Constipation or diarrhea, with or without blood
- Bloating and/or gas
- Pain in the hips or groin
- Fever and/or chills
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Ovarian cysts or disorders
- Cancer of the cervix, uterus, or ovaries
Pelvic pain can also be caused by ovulation or menstruation.
If you are experiencing pelvic pain or for more information about our treatment options, contact us today at (808) 622-2212

Abnormal Bleeding
Throughout adolescence and adulthood, women typically are able to determine what is “normal” for them when it comes to menstrual bleeding and frequency of periods. Most cycles occur every 21 to 35 days, and can last anywhere from 4 to 7 days. While every woman is different, there are some signs that could indicate an abnormal cycle that should be addressed by your physician.
- You experience menstrual bleeding sooner than 21 days or after 35 days from your last period
- You miss multiple periods (3 or more in a row)
- You experience lighter or heavier blood flow during a cycle than what is usual for you
- You experience more intense cramping, pain, nausea, or even vomiting during your periods
- Your period exceeds 7 days in a row.
- You feel lightheaded or dizzy when standing
- Unusual discharge, hair growth, or acne
- Fever or severe pain
- Bleeding after sex
- Nipple discharge
If you bleed through a tampon or pad within an hour for multiple hours, contact your doctor immediately.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us today at (808) 622-2212.

Vaginal and Urinary Symptoms
Even perfectly healthy women can sometimes experience uncomfortable symptoms in the pelvic area. These symptoms can become even more prevalent with age, as your body and hormones are changing. Common vaginal and urinary symptoms that bring women into our office include:
- Vaginal dryness
- Sexual dysfunction
- Pain during intercourse
- Pain or discomfort during urination
- Increased frequency/need to urinate
- Urinary incontinence
- Unusual vaginal discharge
- Burning or itching in the vaginal area
- Urinary tract infections
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding

It isn’t always easy to be healthy in today’s world, and every individual has his or her own approach to living a healthier life. The key is to find out what works best for you, to stick with it, and seek help when you need it. At Central Oahu Medical Group we take pride in helping our patients experience the best quality of life possible. Our specialists encourage every patient to stay up to date on all screenings and routine healthcare visits, as well as taking steps to preserve your health outside of our office. Here are some of our top recommendations to preserving health and wellness:
- Stay active
Maintaining a daily exercise routine is important when it comes to wellness. Morning walks around the block, nightly jogs around the neighborhood, yoga, strength training, and weightlifting are safe ways to keep fit. Regular exercise is not only good for your body but also for the state of your mental health. - Eat a well-balanced diet
A heart-healthy well-balanced diet filled with plenty of fruits and vegetables will curb those unhealthy snack habits and help you maintain a healthy weight. Plan your snacks ahead of time so you don’t graze on unhealthy snacks out of boredom. - Check-in with yourself
Pay attention to your mental health and find healthy ways to reduce your stress levels. Carve out more “me time” during the week. Enjoy time outdoors, read a good book, meditate, journal, listen to music that uplifts you, or watch a movie. Reach out for help if your stress is overwhelming your day-to-day activities. During these times, the lack of socialization and togetherness can be stressful and have a negative impact on your mental health, so be sure to keep in contact with friends and loved ones to maintain your mental wellness. - Practice healthy sleep habits
Sleep deprivation can quickly become a slippery slope that will take a toll on your mind, body, and spirit. Practice good sleep habits by following a nightly routine before bed and stay consistent, even on the weekends. Though sleep requirements vary from person to person, aiming for 7 hours of sleep each night will help you feel rested and refreshed in the morning. - Schedule an appointment
As mentioned before, talk to your healthcare provider about a wellness exam and other preventive screenings you can undergo to ensure your health. Regular screenings and exams are important as they help doctors to identify problems before they start, giving your chances for treatment a better success rate.
Reflecting often on your health goals can help you stay motivated so you can become the healthiest version of yourself possible. During your appointment we will review your health and lifestyle habits as well as any concerns you may have about your overall wellness. For more information about our services or to schedule your appointment, contact us today at (808) 622-2212.